Risky Play

What Parents

NEED  to Know

Children have an innate need for risk-taking. In addition, children who are encouraged to take risks at a younger age are able to better manage risk once they have gained more independence.

To begin, risky play isn’t synonymous with dangerous play. For many adults, risky play is what we became accustomed to as young people.

What is Risky Play?

Some ways you may see kids engaging in risky play are:

Playing at height

Running at high speeds

Rolling down hills

Using things in ways that aren’t intended (climbing the couch, going up the slide instead of down)

Climbing rocks

Walking on anything that requires balance

Spinning in circles Jumping off anything and everything

Benefits of Risky Play

When children are allowed to engage in risky play, it gives them a chance to expand their imagination. For example, building a fort out of couch cushions and furniture that a child may climb over and under can open a world of story-telling, building, and all-over imaginative play!

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