Newborn Checklist Simplified

Being a new mom is one of the most overwhelming things you’ll ever experience. But preparing yourself for the journey doesn’t have to be.

Babies NEED very few things and the best advice I can give you is to find someone whose parenting style you admire, and ask them what they found helpful and what they could have done without.

You can always pop on Amazon or send someone to Bed Bath and Beyond for a “nice to have” so don’t stress about having all of it because more stuff doesn’t make things easier–more stuff makes things more overwhelming.

Here is my list of MUST HAVES as well as a few NICE TO HAVES (and even a few things you absolutely don’t need.)


For breastfeeding: This is one thing you NEED to prepare for to set yourself up for success. Breastfeeding is natural but it doesn’t come naturally. It’s hard at first, especially if you don’t have support.

The Haakaa: this amazing little silicone breastmilk collector will be your best friend. Seriously. You literally just suction it to one side and while you nurse on the other side it collects the milk that is let down during the process.

Manual breast pump: Yes, you should have an electric pump (I love the Spectra2 over the Medela for many reasons–see if your insurance covers a pump and go from there). But you also NEED a manual pump. It’s so much easier to sit and pump a few ounces of milk if needed vs hooking up to an electric pump.

A nursing pillow: A ton of people recommend that Boppy. I’m going to tell you the boppy is NOTHING compare to a pillow called My Brest Friend.

Nipple Cream: Have lots of this on hand–it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I like this one by Earth Mama and this one by Motherlove.

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