What is Montessori — Understanding This Early Childhood Education Philosophy

Choosing how you will educate your child is probably one of the most important and most stressful choices you make as a parent.

I argued that early childhood education was more important than college.

Education during these early years will help shape social, emotional and physical health, as well as develop intrinsic motivation for life long learning–not just learning to get a grade.

We know that education matters. But sometimes we don’t know what options are out there. 

It’s important to dig into some of these early learning philosophies to really understand the choices you have for your child.

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being” — Dr. Maria Montessori

A Quick Overview of Montessori

That is to say, we as educators and caretakers should approach teaching (pedagogy) from a scientific approach.

The general rule of thumb is–observe, experiment, observe again.

What makes the Montessori philosophy different from other early childhood learning philosophies?

Because the Montessori method is rooted in science, it capitalizes on what we know about child development such as the awareness of the sensitive period for language, and encourages teachers of young children to expose them to not only rich and accurate language, but also multiple languages when possible.

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