How To Improve

Play Learn Thrive

Focus Memory Power Concentration

with play

A great way to help your child improve their concentration is through open-ended play.  Not only do children get to see what being focused feels like, but they also start building skills that support focus like self-initiation, resilience, independence, and problem-solving.

Another way to help your child improve their concentration when you are playing together is to play memory games that strengthen their working memory. The obvious choice would be a matching game.

But to incorporate it naturally into play you can play restaurant server, where your child is the server and needs to remember your order. Start small with one or two items and slowly grow it until you reach 4 or 5 items. These concentration exercises can become fun activities that help in the long run.


Play is such a great way to help your child with focus and concentration that I honestly can’t cover every way you could use play to help them. But we are going to hit some of my favorites and ones that have worked well with my own children

Meaningful Play

In today’s world, we are often rushed. Every day is jam-packed with activities and events and things to do and places to be, and the first thing that gets cut is playtime. Just carving out time for your child to have meaningful play.  Giving your child 40 minutes a day for uninterrupted play will help you see a major change in your child’s ability to focus.

Having the time to play is just part of the equation, your child also needs to have open-ended toys that allow them to use their imaginations to direct their play.

Independent Play Whether your child is an only child or has a busload of siblings, having time to play independently is an important part of their mental well-being and can help them improve their ability to focus.

Cooperative Play Children who get cooperative play with friends and siblings are doing more than building social skills. More people, more challenges.

Constructive Play Building play helps children build resilience, project planning, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and cognitive skills.  When a child builds with blocks, LEGO  or Magnatiles, they have to think about their build and plan what they want to do in their minds.

Swipe up for more ideas that help improve your Childs memory and focus